Green Policies

Environmental Policy

At Easy Staffing, we recognize the importance of environmental responsibility and the impact of our business activities on the environment. Therefore, we are committed to implementing the following environmental policy:

  1. Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations: We will comply with all relevant environmental laws, regulations, and standards, as well as any other requirements we have agreed to as part of any contractual obligations.

  2. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle: We will strive to reduce our waste generation, reuse materials wherever possible, and recycle as much as possible. We will minimize the use of single-use plastics and other non-biodegradable materials.

  3. Energy Conservation: We will implement energy-efficient practices to reduce our energy consumption and carbon footprint. We will also strive to use renewable energy sources wherever possible.

  4. Water Conservation: We will conserve water usage by adopting efficient water management practices, such as using low-flow fixtures, recycling wastewater, and reducing water use wherever feasible.

  5. Transportation: We will minimize the impact of our transportation activities on the environment by promoting the use of public transport, carpooling, and cycling wherever feasible.

  6. Communication and Training: We will communicate our environmental policy to all our employees, customers, and stakeholders. We will also provide regular training to our employees on environmental issues and practices.

  7. Continual Improvement: We will continuously monitor and review our environmental performance, set measurable targets for improvement, and strive for continuous improvement in our environmental performance.


Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Policy

We recognize the importance of reducing the environmental impact of our business activities through our purchasing decisions. Therefore, we are committed to implementing the following environmentally preferable purchasing policy:

  1. Consideration of Environmental Impact: We will evaluate the environmental impact of our purchasing decisions, including the materials, production methods, and transportation involved in the products we purchase.

  2. Priority to Sustainable Products: We will prioritize purchasing products that are environmentally sustainable, such as those made from recycled materials, biodegradable materials, or renewable resources.

  3. Reduction of Hazardous Substances: We will minimize the use of hazardous substances in the products we purchase, such as chemicals that are known to be harmful to human health or the environment.

  4. Energy Efficiency: We will prioritize purchasing products that are energy-efficient, such as those that are Energy Star certified.

  5. Water Conservation: We will prioritize purchasing products that are water-efficient, such as those with low-flow fixtures or those that conserve water in their production.

  6. Transportation Efficiency: We will prioritize purchasing products that are produced and transported using environmentally efficient methods, such as those that are locally sourced or shipped via low-emission transport.

  7. Communication and Training: We will communicate our environmentally preferable purchasing policy to our employees, suppliers, and customers. We will also provide training to our employees on environmentally preferable purchasing practices.

  8. Continual Improvement: We will regularly review and assess our environmentally preferable purchasing policy, set measurable goals for improvement, and strive for continual improvement in our purchasing practices.